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TK 3

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Nic konkretnego. Jedyna ciekawostka, to że znaleziono jeszcze jakieś inne części (przyczepki?), skąd wniosek, że był używany jako ciągnik. Jak tam trafił, nie wiadomo. O po nalotach dywanowych wrzucono go wraz z innym złomem do dołu i zniwelowano. Reszta tekstu wyjaśnia, co to takiego ta tankietka itp. itd.
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Miłośnicy panzer" mają teraz atrakcję w postaci kaliskiej 250-tki. A może ktos ma jakieś kontakty w Niemczech i trafia tutaj fotki tej tankietki? Coś mi mówi, ze ona jest w lepszym stanie niż ten sdkfz...
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Wyslalem maila do znajomego w Niemczech.On troche siedzi w temacie - jest jednym z edytorow periodyku Nuts And Bolts.Zobaczymy, czy cos wie.Ale teraz w swiatku" huczy od tego nowego, wykopanego kotka"...
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Tak lepiej?

From: Nickolay Panov
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 7:47 AM
Subject: [MV] The Tiger tank is found!!! News from Belarus.

Hallo all.
I hurry to inform joyful news from Belarus. I inform this news with
small delay - I drank plenty of vodka, marking this event. But, my health in
the order and I am again capable to omit the fingers on the keyboard of the
computer, and to find the necessary letters.
The German Tiger tank found our club Poisk . Has afflicted our pleasure
only one fact - this Tiger is damaged by explosion. But, we hope there will
be a complete set of parts and the tank will be not strongly damaged. This
Tiger have not plundered marauders (looters) during war and after war. The
machinegun MG34 was kept completely and is established on the place. When
marauders (looters) plunder the tank, machineguns remove first of all.
Therefore we are sure, that all parts of the tank will be on a place.
It became clear from preliminary survey (we immersed a metal rod in
ground), the chassis a Tiger is kept completely. A contour of the tank
knocks completely. Now we have dug out a hole in ground only sheet armor of
front a Tiger. I personally touched by hands: bow machinegun mount, MG34,
driver s vision port. All these parts are on their place and in good
condition. But, the top sheet, which fastened to a sheet of front, it is not
on a place. Probably it has broken by explosion. I could put other leg on a
part MG34, which is inside the tank.
As the Tiger is in ground (the river on this place earlier) in low
place, the dug out hole at once is filled by water. Therefore there is no
opportunity to make photos it a Tiger up to the moment, when it will be
lifted on a surface of ground. Though it is possible, when the dredge will
work, water will not have time to cover the tank. At this moment it will be
possible to make some photos. The guys will do it whenever possible.
The works on a raising found out by our club a Tiger will be postponed,
it is probable. As I wrote earlier, our club has a lot of work, connected to
a holiday of Freedom Belarus from fascism of the 3-rd of July. The Soviet
tank BT-7, 1935, which our club has lifted from a bog and has restored up to
a running condition, will open Parade of a Victory in Minsk. It is necessary
to us well prepare the tank, that the tank were no breakages during parade.
Also we want to find and to lift any Soviet tank to this holiday. Probably
Tiger will be lifted only in July, after a holiday of Freedom.
The Tiger is found in a very beautiful place. Anyone, who will move on
the automobile on a road of Brest - Moscow, can visit this place, meet of
our guys and examine a Tiger by hands. The Tiger is found out on edge of a
small settlement Kiseli (ëÉÓĹĚÉ), near to city Orsha (ďŇŰÁ). On a road there
is an index of turn on this settlement.
Our club has no website till now. I shall be glad, if anyone will render
hospitality for my information. While I have only a few photos of a place,
where the Tiger (hole dug out is found out and filled by water there is
visible). Also photo shown, when I stand in water by legs on a machinegun
MG34. I can give a map, on which the cross will designate, a place of
detection of the Tiger tank. It will be probable by all interestingly to
look on a map, where the Tiger is found. Probably someone can establish to
what schwere Panzer Abteilung this Tiger belonged.
Best regards,
Nickolay Panov.
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W skrócie:
- nadal jest pod ziemią,
- może być uszkodzony przez załogę (wybuch)
- nie był pladrowany (MG-ta na miejscu),
- na razie nie maja czasu na wydobycie, bo przygotowują BT-7 na defiladę 7. lipca


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Wielkie dzięki za tłumaczenie.Koleś żeczywiście potrzebuje %
Moja propozycja.Zrzuta na krzynkę i jedziemy po kotka.Zawsze możemy wytłumaczyć że to nasz bo przecierz nie ma płyty a to znaczy że oberwał.A skoro oberwał to MUSIAŁ od Janka Kosa. On nie takie tygrysy strzelał.Czyli jest nasz.A na poważnie to szkoda że u nas nic takiego nie wychodzi.
( Skoro chłopaki nie mają czasu to ja mogę pokopać w czynie partyjnym)
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